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With free MacGamer supplement
How to ...
- Create your own textures
Why spend a fortune on specialised programs for generating textures and surface effects - you can easily create your
own with Color It! Here's how.
- Make buttons in Apple Media Tool
Make your multimedia presentations interactive with clickable buttons and highlights using this tutorial and the free
software from last issue's Cover CD.
- Search the Internet
It's a confusing and tangled Web. There's loads of information on the Net, so how do you find what you're interested
in? Start with our guide to Net searches.
- Use ClarisWorks macros
Speed up your life and make your work easier. Design your own personal shortcuts with the simple-to-use macro
function in ClarisWorks.
- Add power to HyperCard
Expert tips for getting more from HyperCard, using XCMDs and mathematical calculations.
- Welcome to MacFormat - Everything you want to know about MacFormat, plus our fondest memories...
- Your Web Pages
Celebrate Apple's 20th anniversary with this collection of Web links.
- News
The shape of Macs to come, a new System update, Apple brings 3D to the Net and RAVE to games, and more.
- What's New: product news
State-of-the-art 3D landscape creation with Bryce 2; eWorld closes; and PowerMac prices plummet.
- Apple Talk: letters
Your views, visions and wish lists, plus the latest contributions to the Great 'Porn' Debate.
- MacAnswers
The strange case of the disappearing System Folder, the mystery of the missing megabytes and the complete guide to
washing your Mac. Confused? You will be.
- Special Reader Offers
The best deals on some selected Mac products.
- Back Issues
Is there a gap in your collection? Fill it now!
- Free Reader Ads
Buy a new Mac, or all the bits you'll need to upgrade your old machine (including the fluffy dice).
- Buying Advice
Chucking your cash about? Better read this first.
- Classic System Crew
Chaos inside a Classic with the cartoon crew.
- Next Issue
Struggling against huge odds, we'll be back in four weeks' time - here's a taste of what's in store.
Win! Win! Win! - Over £580 of upgrade products
If this issue's cover feature leaves you lusting after more power or a faster Mac, here's a solution - win your
choice of upgrades to the value of £500 + VAT from specialist supplier Mygate Computing!
- PowerWave - It's the fastest Mac ever (the fastest with only one processor, anyway), but it's not made by Apple.
We test Power Computing's impressive new Mac clone.
- FileMaker Pro 3 - It's back (finally!)... it's bigger... and this time it's relational. Has Claris managed to
improve on the Mac's long-standing favourite flat-file database?
- Adobe Illustrator 6 - Ooh look, curves everywhere! The new version of Adobe Illustrator has arrived - now with
plug-ins. Has it taken the lead in the vector graphics stakes?
- Utilities: InfoGenie - A straightforward database: simple, freeform and no rules. Sounds too good to be true?
- Utilities: A Zillion Kajillion, Rhymes and Clichés - Stuck for a rhyme? This could be a stitch in time. Need a
cliché? This is like a sachet... er, full of 'em.
- Music: Cubasis - Looking for your first sequencer? Find out whether this new entry-level program is what you
- Kids' multimedia
CD-ROMs that could help children think logically, master language, or get to grips with colours.
- Zoombinis
- Playtoons
- NN 'n' N Toy Makers
- Marty and the Trouble With Cheese
- Green Bear
- CD-ROM atlases
We test three global CDs head-to-head:
- Atlas of Europe
- World Atlas 6
- World Reference Atlas
- Shareware delights
Games, guns, politics and the periodic table... We review the latest shareware fresh from the Internet.
- Game reviews
The latest in full-motion-video games, and more.
- Angel Devoid
- Full Throttle
- Allied General
- AmoebArena
- Alone in the Dark 3
- BackPacker
- Zoop
- Zone Warrior
Want to boost your Mac's speed and power? Here's all you need to know about how it can be done, what upgrades and
expansions are available for your Mac model, and even a step-by-step guide to how to do it yourself!
- How your Mac works, different kinds of upgrades, and what they can do for you
- Adding more RAM
- Clever tricks and alternatives
- Which upgrade? Options for every Mac
- Doing it yourself - a step-by-step guide
20 Golden Years of Apple
Two innovative decades of the company behind
the computer that changed the world.
Fold-out Mac family tree
The history of Apple
Where next?
MacFormat interviews Marco Landi, Apple Europe's boss
Save money on the inside story of the Mac
Cover Disks
MacFormat comes with the choice of a CD-ROM or high-density floppy disk every issue:
Demos galore, including Star Trek Judgment Rites, Full Throttle, InfoGenie and a rolling demo of Dorling Kindersley's World Reference Atlas. Plus a guide to upgrades, ten high-res sample images from Corel, over 100Mb of the latest shareware and everything below.
Your Cover Disk
3Mb of top software compressed on to one luscious floppy disk: a blistering arcade game, an amazing fractal generator, a
comprehensive guide to RAM upgrades, handy utilities... even a fly swatter!